Solutions for efficient product design

New Version of SMARTColor available!

13. May 2020 | Updates

There are new version of SMARTColor available, now. You can download it here fitting to your Creo® version.

We will give you a short overview about the new functions:

Automated PMI assignment to the meta data of the geometry

Saving the PMI in the metadata

Store PMI within the meta data of the geometry to be reused downstream or rather for subsequent design steps.
Define an independent set of parameters for each color definition, which will be attached to the surfaces when color is applied.

Moreover there is the ability to preserve and import model colors, which were not applied via SMARTColor or updated colors of external merge and inheritance features.


Use pre-selected geometry for manual color application

If geometry is pre-selected and the commands for manual color applications are envoked, the software asks whether to colorize
all selected surfaces.


New rule criterion to check the diameter of a thread

Use the criterion „Has Thread“ to check, whether a bore has a thread. It is now possible to additionally check the diameter of the thread
surface using the new sub-criterion „Diameter“: New rule criterion to check the diameter of a thread.


You can find the changelogs for each Creo® version here: 4.05.0 and 6.0.


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